400 footprints of dinosaurs 12 million years ago in China

Last Updated on May 31, 2024 9:32 am

More than 400 dinosaur footprints have been found in China. Chinese archaeologists said the impressions found in the Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province date back to the Cretaceous period, about 120 million years ago. Chinese media CCTV reported this news.

The researchers say the imprints suggest that during the Cretaceous period, there was a large presence of different species of dinosaurs in the Lufeng area.

In early May, two local villagers discovered the prints and informed the administration. The footprints were found on a hill in Konglongshan Town, Lufeng City. Tests of rock layers at the site have shown that the prints are about 120 million years old. Kanglongshan Town’s Bangla stands for ‘Dinosaur Mountain’.

Wang Tao, head of the Dinosaur Fossil Protection and Research Center, said they divided the prints into three categories. Some of these are T-Rex, and some are Stegosaurus species.

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