Japan Likely to Enact Political Funds Bill in June

Last Updated on May 31, 2024 7:17 pm

Tokyo, May 31 (Jiji Press)–Japan’s parliament is expected to enact a bill to revise the political funds control law before its current session ends in June after the ruling Liberal Democratic Party Friday made further concessions to demands from its coalition partner and an opposition party.

The LDP lowered the threshold for the disclosure of information on those who purchase political fundraising party tickets to over 50,000 yen. In its bill, the LDP also included a plan to disclose receipts related to policy activity funds after 10 years.

Those changes were made based on requests from Komeito and Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Innovation Party), both of which plan to support the LDP bill.

Efforts to revise the bill come in response to a high-profile slush funds scandal involving some LDP factions, in which unreported funds were kicked back to some faction members by using revenues from fundraising parties.

In separate meetings with Komeito leader Natsuo Yamaguchi and Nippon Ishin head Nobuyuki Baba, Prime Minister and LDP President Fumio Kishida briefed them of the changes to his party’s bill.

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