Photos of two new Chinese fighter jets go viral

Last Updated on December 30, 2024 6:13 am

Blurred images of two new Chinese fighter jets have been circulating online. They appear to feature stealth technology (able to evade radar). Defense experts say they are clearly advanced designs. However, no one can reach a definitive conclusion due to the lack of detailed information.

Both aircraft are tailless in design, meaning they do not have vertical stabilizers; which help maintain control. The balance of such fighter jets is usually controlled by computers.

The larger fighter jet is almost diamond-shaped. It has three air intakes for its engines – two on the sides of the fuselage and one on top, a very unusual configuration. The smaller one is of a relatively conventional design, but it also does not have a tail.

Both fighter jets lack a 90-degree angle in their design, which is a characteristic of stealth aircraft. Such designs are designed to avoid being easily detected by radar.

China has been modernizing its military for a long time. The new designs reflect the Chinese fighter industry’s experimentation and desire to innovate, said Ewan Graham, a senior analyst at the Australia-based Strategic Policy Institute.

“Whatever its performance, it is clearly a very original design. For that, they deserve praise and could challenge the perception that the United States and its allies are always considered to be pioneers.”

China’s Ministry of Defense declined to comment. The U.S. Department of Defense said it was aware of the report. But it had no further comment beyond what is said in its annual report on China’s military.

Sixth-generation fighter jet

The United States has been working on its Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program for several years. Under this project, a sixth-generation fighter jet is being developed. However, it is unclear where the initiative will go under the administration of President-elect Donald Trump.

A joint sixth-generation aircraft is being developed under the Europe and Asia Global Combat Air Program. A British-Japanese joint venture recently made the announcement.

Reuters has verified a video of a large fighter jet flying over the Chengdu area of ​​China.

Satellite images and file photos have shown nearby buildings, signs, logos and trees. However, the date of the flight could not be independently verified.

The design of China’s tailless fighter jet, which has been published online, is not new. Northrop Grumman’s B-2 and B-12 stealth bombers both have flying wings, and several unmanned aircraft, such as Lockheed Martin’s RQ-170 and China’s CH-7 fighter jet, do not have tails.

No official names have been released for these two Chinese fighter jets. Although the designs are unique compared to other Chinese aircraft, it is not possible to say anything about their stealth capabilities, speed or tactical capabilities.

Peter Layton, a defense and aviation expert at the Griffith Asia Institute, said that it is difficult to identify China’s aircraft as fifth-generation. Because their design has features that are never seen.

China’s J-20 and J-35 aircraft have stealth features. However, their capabilities are unknown to the public and only the J-20 is currently in the Chinese fleet.

The United States is investing heavily in developing advanced missiles and other systems to counter China in the Indo-Pacific region. It recently tested a missile defense system with advanced radar in strategically important locations such as Guam.

The public flight of China’s newly designed aircraft during the day is “curious,” said Kelly Grieco, a senior fellow at the US-based Stimson Center.

She said it could be an attempt by Beijing to influence the debate during the ongoing US NGAD negotiations.

China’s state-run news agency Xinhua reported on Friday that the People’s Liberation Army Navy has launched its new amphibious assault ship.

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