Presentation of Asia-Pacific Human Development Report takes place in Mongolia
Last Updated on November 30, 2023 1:06 pm
AKIPRESS.COM – Human development should be at the core of attention in Mongolia and the countries in the Asia-Pacific region for development and stability.
Resident Representative of the UN Development Program in Mongolia Matilda Dimovska emphasized social and economic growth strategies for human development during the presentation of the 2024 Asia-Pacific Human Development Report on November 28, Montsame reports.
“Human development is a global effort covering a wide range of issues including providing people with opportunities and choices, sharing the benefits of growth, access to health care and education, creating a healthy and safe environment, reducing poverty, unemployment and discrimination,” Deputy Chairman of the Parliament of Mongolia Munkhbaatar Lkhagva stated.
He noted that the Asia-Pacific region, including Mongolia, is expected to contribute to achieving the abovementioned goals and emphasized the significance of encouraging new attitudes and approaches to a problem and redefining the goals of reforms.
Deputy Chairman L. Munkhbaatar noted that despite Mongolia’s economic growth exceeding 6% by the end of 2023, there are pressing issues such as income and gender inequality, disparity between urban and rural development, poverty, unemployment, and climate change.
Under Mongolia’s development policies “Vision-2050” and “New Revival Policy,” the Parliament puts efforts to the realization of goals set out in the policy documents such as eliminating discrimination, protecting human dignity, increasing access to quality education and health services, expanding human capabilities, diversifying people’s choices and strengthening health system.
The Report paints a qualified picture of long-term progress, but also persistent disparity and widespread disruption, foreseeing a turbulent development landscape and urgently calling for new directions to boost human development. As human development cannot be measured by economic growth alone and considering growing competitiveness and diversification, it is essential to ensure equitable and inclusive development to promote people’s well-being.
The UNDP 2024 Report recommends that Mongolia and other countries prioritize current and future needs and improve coordination between strategies aimed at human development and growth to implement the human development strategy.
Director General of the Department of Integrated Policy and Planning of the Ministry of Economy and Development L. Balchinluvsan stated that the issue of human development involves more than just one organization or state authority but all sectors including health and education. He noted that Sustainable Development Goals have been included in the medium and long-term development policy of Mongolia.
Mongolia has a Human Development Index value of 0.737 and ranks 98th out of 191 countries. The country lags in terms of health and per capita income while other indicators show that Mongolia is at an average level compared to other countries.