UN Security Council Majority Urges Taliban to Revoke Repressive Measures Against Women and Girls

Last Updated on March 4, 2024 1:21 pm

March 5, 2024 – A significant majority of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) called on Monday for the Taliban to immediately reverse all policies and decrees that oppress and discriminate against women and girls. The demand specifically highlighted issues such as the ban on girls’ education beyond the sixth grade and restrictions on women’s rights to work and move freely.

In a joint statement issued by 11 out of the 15 council members, the UNSC condemned the Taliban’s ongoing repression of women and girls since assuming power in August 2021. The statement emphasized the importance of ensuring the equal participation of women in public, political, economic, cultural, and social life, particularly at all decision-making levels involved in international engagement with Afghanistan’s de facto rulers.

Guyana’s U.N. Ambassador Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett delivered the statement, surrounded by ambassadors from the other 10 nations, ahead of a closed council meeting discussing U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ conference with over 25 envoys to Afghanistan on February 18-19 in Doha, Qatar.

The Doha meeting, which included the participation of Afghan civil society representatives, including women, received positive acknowledgment from the council members. The Taliban, however, refused to attend, with its Foreign Ministry stating that their involvement would only be considered “beneficial” if they were recognized as the sole and official representative for the country at the talks.

The UNSC’s unified call for the Taliban to revoke repressive measures against women and girls underscores the international community’s concern and commitment to upholding human rights and gender equality in Afghanistan. The situation remains fluid, with diplomatic efforts ongoing to address these critical issues and engage with the Taliban on a global stage.

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