Search of third mass grave in Al-Shifa hospital, 49 bodies recovered

Last Updated on May 9, 2024 7:32 am

For more than seven consecutive months, the Israeli occupation of the besieged Gaza Strip has been going on.

Another proof of this barbaric Israeli attack. A third mass grave has been found in al-Shifa hospital in Gaza. So far 49 bodies have been recovered from this mass grave.

Anadolu news agency reported this information in a report on Thursday (May 9).

Palestinian medical teams discovered a third mass grave at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, Gaza’s official media office said on Wednesday.

The media office said in a statement, “So far around 49 bodies have been exhumed from mass graves and search efforts are still on for more bodies.”

At least seven mass graves have been found in the Gaza Strip so far, Anadolu reported. On the other hand, for more than seven months, Israel has continued its brutal attacks on the besieged territory.

As a result of this Israeli attack, more than 34 thousand 800 people have been killed and more than 78 thousand 400 people have been injured since October 7 last year.

Gaza’s media office said three mass graves were found at Al-Shifa Hospital, three at Nasser Hospital in the southern city of Khan Yunis and one at Kamel Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza.

It also said that at least 520 bodies have been recovered from seven mass graves so far.

In such a situation, Hamas, the party that rules the Gaza Strip, called on the international community to intervene to stop Israel’s deadly attack on the Palestinian territory.

The group said in a statement that the discovery of the new mass grave was “new proof of the brutality of the criminal occupying army against our people and the medical sector”.

Hamas also said, “The (Israeli) occupation seeks to destroy the foundations of human life (in Gaza) in order to achieve its plan of extermination and displacement.”

The Palestinian independence group called on all human rights groups to “document these crimes and refer them to the International Criminal Court and other appropriate courts to hold the country’s rogue entities and criminal leaders accountable.”

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