Allegation of ‘anti-Muslim’ remarks against Modi in election rally, heated debate

Last Updated on April 23, 2024 2:23 am

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been accused of making ‘anti-Muslim’ remarks in the run-up to the Lok Sabha elections. Which has started strong debate and criticism. Indian Muslim leaders as well as opposition leaders expressed their anger. CNN.

India, the world’s most populous country, held its first phase of Lok Sabha elections last Friday (April 19). In the second phase, polling for 89 Lok Sabha constituencies in 13 states will be held on April 26.

The campaign for the second phase of voting started the day after the first phase of voting. Political parties including BJP-Congress-Trinamool are trying desperately to win over voters at the last moment.

What did Modi say?

Last Sunday (April 21), Prime Minister Modi participated in an election rally of BJP in Banshbara center of Rajasthan state. The opposition alleges that he made anti-Muslim comments in that public meeting. Opponents say that since the first phase of the Lok Sabha polls did not live up to expectations, Modi walked directly on the path of religious polarization.

In the public meeting, Modi attacked the main opposition party Indian National Congress (INC) against Muslims. He said that if the Congress comes to power, the wealth of the country will be distributed among the Muslims. They will take away the family gold and silver of the Hindus, even the sacred mangalsutra worn around the neck of the married women.

According to a CNN report, Modi directly referred to the word Muslim in those remarks. He also uses two words and phrases ‘infiltrators’ and ‘those who bear many children’. With these two words, BJP leaders usually refer to the Muslim community.

Addressing the BJP workers and supporters present at the public meeting, Modi said,
When they (Congress) were in power, they said, the priority of Muslims over wealth. They will collect all your wealth and distribute it among those who have more children. They will distribute to intruders.

Modi asked the workers-supporters present in the public meeting whether they want their hard-earned property to be divided among Muslims, those who have many children, among the infiltrators.

This is the first time Modi directly attacked Congress and Muslims in this election. He also said that distribution of property among Muslims has also been mentioned in this year’s election manifesto of Congress. He claimed that Manmohan Singh had also said during his prime ministership that the rights of Muslims over the country’s property should come first.

In a recent speech in Telangana, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said that the Congress will survey how much of the country’s wealth is in the hands of a certain class, along with the caste census, if it comes to power. Rahul has been alleging that Prime Minister Modi only looks out for the interests of a few crony capitalists. During his tenure, 1 percent of the country’s people became the owners of 40 percent of the wealth.

Reacting to Rahul’s speech, Modi said in a public meeting in Rajasthan on Sunday that Manmohan Singh, when he was the prime minister, said that Muslims are the first owners of the country’s wealth. Now the Congress has said in its manifesto, if it comes to power, it will distribute the wealth earned by you among the Muslims.

He also said that the gold and silver held by the mother and sisters will be settled. Then it will be distributed among those who are infiltrators, who have many children. Even the Mangalsutra of the mother and sisters will not be spared from their hands.

He compared the thought of the Congress with the mentality of dacoits and asked the workers-supporters present whether they would accept it or not. In Modi’s words, do you think you should give your hard-earned money to intruders? Will you accept it?

Strong reaction from opposition camp

Modi’s comments have created a huge backlash in Indian politics and fueled debates in the opposition camp. Opponents have long accused Modi and his party, the BJP, of using divisive rhetoric to stoke growing Hindu nationalism.

They urged the Election Commission of India (ECI) to investigate whether Modi’s comments violated the election code of conduct.

The code of conduct states that politicians must not solicit votes from voters on the basis of ‘caste’ and ‘communal sentiments’. Activities that ‘may increase discord or create mutual hatred or tension’ between the various communities and religions of India are also not allowed.

Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge said that the Prime Minister is upset because the first phase of voting went against the BJP. Modi is understandably disappointed. Because the ‘India’ alliance has advanced in the first phase. Modi therefore resorted to hatred. Lying for power. The opponents are misleading people by saying what they did not say. Such is the education and training of RSS and BJP.

Rahul Gandhi said, it is a sign of desperation. Realizing that the first round of voting went against the Prime Minister is now resorting to lies. He has stooped so low with false speech that he is now trying to divert people’s attention. During his tenure as Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh has repeatedly talked about empowering the Muslim community. Modi is distorting it.

Congress leader Rahul also said that this year’s Congress manifesto is revolutionary. This time people will vote thinking about their family, employment and future. Do not deviate to other thoughts.

Another Congress leader Jairam Ramesh said, Modi is not answering even a single question about the grievances of the youth, farmers, Dalits and backward people. Shamefully he is only insulting the people of the country. Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera called Modi a ‘liar’.

Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav said,
Not only the people of the country but the whole world knows the lies that Modi tells. The way he falsely slandered Congress’s ‘Nayapatra’ and Manmohan Singh’s name is an example of dirty politics.

Reaction of Muslim leaders

Leaders of the Muslim community also reacted strongly to Modi’s controversial comments. Especially when many in this minority community fear that the BJP’s third term will deepen the ongoing communal crisis across the country.

Reacting to Modi’s comments, Lok Sabha member and All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) leader Asauddin Waisi wrote on his X handle,
Modi called Muslims ‘infiltrators’. He called Muslims ‘the begetters of many children’. He has been doing this since 2002. Abusing Muslims. That is his only guarantee (of victory).

By the year 2002, YC refers to the terrible communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat. At that time the Chief Minister of Gujarat was the present Prime Minister Narendra Modi. More than a thousand people died in that riot, most of whom were Muslims.

From the beginning of the riots, there were allegations that the then BJP state government of Gujarat indirectly instigated the riots and deliberately did not act quickly to stop the carnage.

YC also said that he does all this to get votes. During Modi’s tenure, 40 percent of the country’s wealth has accumulated in the hands of 1 percent of the people. He is making common Hindus afraid of Muslims while stealing their wealth and enriching his close ones.

Prominent Muslim journalist Rana Ayyub wrote on his X handle, “It is not a whistle.” This is straight up blatant hate speech targeting a community.

Anti-Muslim comments and incidents have increased dramatically

Modi first came to power in 2014 with promises of development and anti-corruption. His popularity increased during his first term and five years later he was elected for a second term in the 2019 elections through openly Hindutva politics.

Over the past decade, Modi and his BJP have been accused of promoting Hindu nationalist policies as well as politics of religious polarization.

Not only complaints, but at the same time India is constitutionally the world’s largest secular democratic country, Islamophobia or Islamophobia and severe communal clashes have increased greatly.

Although the Muslim population is a minority in India, it is not very small. Their number is about 23 crores. They have been living in the country for centuries.

But some Hindu nationalist leaders tried to spread a false narrative of Muslims as ‘outsiders’ or ‘infiltrators’. Baseless and false statements are also propagated that Muslims are deliberately trying to overtake the Hindu population by having more children.

The BJP, however, has repeatedly denied these allegations, saying it does not discriminate on the basis of religion and treats all citizens equally. But research, various reports and human rights groups say the divide in India has grown.

A recent report by Washington-based research organization India Hate Lab found that Islamophobic or anti-Muslim comments and incidents have increased dramatically. The agency recorded 668 hate incidents in 2023. According to the report, 75 percent of those incidents took place in BJP-ruled states.

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