EU committed partner of Cambodia and its people, says new envoy

Last Updated on October 26, 2023 11:01 am

The European Union (EU) remains a committed partner of Cambodia and wants to deepen its engagement equally with the government and people, Igor Driesmans, the new EU Ambassador to Cambodia, said yesterday.

“We have a long history together and my aim is to deepen our engagement, both bilaterally and in the multilateral agenda,” Ambassador Driesmans said while addressing the media in Phnom Penh yesterday.

Renewing the commitment to EU-Cambodia ties, the envoy said, “We work not only with the governments but also with the people to ensure that our relationship is improving. We understand the culture of each other and it adds to strengthening the relationship.”

“Respect for human rights and democratic principles remain a fundamental tenet of our relations with our partners and we continue to support Cambodia in its endeavour to meet its commitments and international obligations in the promotion and protection of human rights,” the EU envoy noted.

He said that in the coming years, the new multiannual programme (2021-2027), the team Europe initiatives and the joint European Strategy will have a strong focus on fostering sustainable recovery, promoting green growth and decent jobs, improving education, and in general supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as reinforcing integration in the ASEAN Economic Community.

According to the ambassador, the new developments, such as the adoption by Cambodia of a Long-Term Strategy for Carbon Neutrality, will complement the EU’s substantial efforts on climate action, both in mitigation and adaptation.

In a message issued after taking charge as the EU envoy to Cambodia, Driesman said, “The EU and Cambodia have a rich and multidimensional relation. In 2022, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the Kingdom of Cambodia or Cambodia – EC Cooperation Agreement (1997).

“Since then, the EU and its member states have been one of the biggest donors, both in grants and loans, in support of Cambodia’s development in multiple sectors.”

He added that the EU trade preferences (Everything But Arms or EBA) have significantly supported Cambodia’s exports and growth and continue to underpin its economic recovery. “The EU have also stood together with Cambodia in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, by delivering both vaccines and financial aid.”

Government spokesman Pen Bona said yesterday that Cambodia’s foreign policy is non-discriminatory in building friendships with foreigners, and the EU has been in contact for many years with almost every aspect of politics, society, environment, health and the economy.

“We welcome the EU for assisting in development and other disaster prevention. We urge the EU to continue to implement their projects to help develop education, health and other sectors within its project in Cambodia,” Bona said.

He added, “Although there have been minor tensions over the EBA and democratic practices in the past, it has not affected the relations between the two. The two sides will continue to cooperate in the development of other areas previously planned.”

Thong Mengdavid, a research supervisor at the Asian Vision Institute (AVI), said that the relations have grown significantly during the post-COVID-19 period, with the EU assisting Cambodia in financing technical assistance, health and medical equipment and vaccines to Cambodia, and supporting Cambodia’s regional integration and international.

Over the past 30 years, the EU and government, civil society organisations and the private sector have increased cooperation in the SDGs, including poverty reduction and social inequality, he said.

“The EU also promotes green growth and decent work, democratic processes, law and human rights, education, environment and climate change, agriculture and natural resource management, governance and public financial management, and facilitates integration,” he said.

“Building confidence and mutual trust between Cambodian leaders and leaders in the EU is an important factor in building initiatives and working together to implement win-win cooperation in bilateral and regional frameworks for the benefit of Cambodian and European people,” Mengdavid added.

Ambassador Driesmans, a Belgian national, has been an official of the EU since 2003. Last year, he served as the EU Special Envoy for Myanmar. His other stints include EU Ambassador to ASEAN, in Jakarta, Indonesia; Member of the Cabinet of Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, as Principal Assistant to the Chief Operating Officer of the European External Action Service, Desk Officer for ASEAN, and Deputy Head of the Political, Economic, Trade and Information Section of the EU Delegation to South Africa.

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