RSO in the struggle to establish a ‘Muslim Arakan State’ in Rakhine, they are also trying to solve the Rohingya problem
Last Updated on April 12, 2024 2:50 am
Myanmar’s various ethnic groups have turned their backs on the wall due to hundreds of years of oppression. This has led to the creation of at least a dozen armed rebel groups inside Myanmar. Among these armed insurgency groups, the Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO) is fighting shoulder to shoulder with the Arakan Army against the junta government in Rakhine State. The main objective of this organization is to establish a ‘Muslim Arakan State’ in Rakhine. It is an old organization for the rights of Rohingya Muslims.
The RSO and the Arakan Army are said to continue fighting until the Arakan junta is freed from the government. RSO leaders believe that Rohingya Muslims will get their rights back if the junta government is defeated in this fight. The organization wants to play a stronger role in the downfall of the junta forces.
RSO was born in 1978. The RSO is made up of trained Rohingyas from Pakistan and Afghanistan. This organization has well-wishers in various Middle Eastern countries including Türkiye, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia. They send money to this organization. The founder of RSO. Yunus is currently in Malaysia. Ting Tong aka Md. among his followers. Ayub Khan is now serving as the temporary head of the organization.
Ayub Khan said about the current situation, so far we have captured 10-15 army posts. We are oppressed. We will fight until victory comes. We are fighting to get rid of the junta government. We have been very successful in this fight. But I am in some trouble due to the fact that ‘Arsa’ organization is working for the junta government.
He also said that the activities of RSO are expanding. Our forces now have thousands of members. RSOs are basically working for their own rights. This long-established organization has evolved from a point to a circle.
The situation in Myanmar is changing very fast. The rebel groups are occupying one place after another. The junta government is losing control in various places. The Arakan Army is one of three rebel groups fighting the junta government in Myanmar. Last November, the president of the junta government warned that the entire country would collapse if the government could not control the war that broke out in the country’s San state. Meanwhile, the Arakan Army’s influence in Myanmar is now increasing. At the same time, the Rakhine region has also started to grow.
Rakhine State must have its own army, Arakan Army Chief Tiwan Emrat Neang told local media Irrawaddy. Having an armed group means that Rakhine’s ethnic groups will survive.
Analysts say the Arakan Army, trained by Kachin rebels, has emerged as a potential major military threat to Myanmar. Which will be much stronger than the Rohingya Salvation Army.
Against this background, security analysts feel that the strong position of the Arakan Army in Rakhine may create a double crisis in solving the Rohingya issue. A spokesperson of the Arakan Army claimed that they are one of the partners in solving the Rohingya crisis.
1 million Rohingya fled to Bangladesh from Bangladesh 7 years ago. But there is no solution to the crisis. As the success of the Arakan Army in Rakhine State increases, geopolitics are likely to become more complicated. Because their declared goal is some sort of independence or autonomy within a federal state system. As the Arakan Army’s influence grows, undermining the achievements of the junta in the Rakhine region, many believe it could be the conch saw for the Rohingya problem.
Security analyst Brigadier General (retd) M Shakhawat Hussain feels that if the Arakan Army takes a firm stand by ousting the junta government in the Rakhine region, then anything positive or negative can happen for the Rohingya crisis.
On the other hand Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO). The main objective of this organization is to establish a ‘Muslim Arakan State’ in Rakhine. As a result, many security analysts believe that this organization will work negatively in solving the Rohingya crisis.