Chinese Military Delegation Bolsters Regional Ties with Visits to Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Nepal

Last Updated on March 14, 2024 11:29 am

In a strategic move aimed at strengthening regional alliances, a delegation from China’s military recently concluded visits to the Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Nepal to foster deeper cooperation in defense matters.

Beijing’s efforts to forge closer relationships in South Asia signify a broader strategy to expand its influence in the region, particularly in response to its strategic competitor, India.

The Maldives recently announced the signing of a “military assistance” agreement with China, a significant development following the expulsion of Indian troops from the strategically vital archipelago. Confirming this, Beijing acknowledged that its delegation engaged in discussions with pro-China President Mohamed Muizzu during their visit to the Maldives.

The trip, spanning from March 4 to 13, also included visits to Sri Lanka and Nepal, where discussions centered around enhancing defense cooperation and exploring avenues for greater collaboration.

These diplomatic maneuvers underscore China’s proactive approach to bolstering its presence and influence in key South Asian nations, signaling a shifting geopolitical landscape in the region.

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