Islamic Emirate Denies Daesh Resurgence, Accuses of Political Exploitation

Last Updated on April 1, 2024 4:18 am

Amidst assertions of Daesh resurgence in Afghanistan, the Islamic Emirate has vehemently denied such claims, attributing them to political manipulation.

Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, dismissed allegations of Daesh’s resurgence and recruitment capabilities in Afghanistan, branding them as exaggerated for political ends. Mujahid underscored that certain entities exploit the Daesh name to serve their own agendas, fostering misunderstandings and misinformation.

Contrary to these assertions, a recent report by the South China Morning Post has raised alarms, citing Daesh’s utilization of Afghan territory as a launchpad for attacks on neighboring nations, including Russia, Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey. The report suggests a strategic shift in Daesh’s operations, with Afghanistan serving as a logistical hub for coordinated assaults across borders.

The purported resurgence of Daesh has prompted concerns among analysts and policymakers. Najib Rahman Shamal, a political analyst, emphasized the caretaker government of Afghanistan’s responsibility to counter terrorist threats, in accordance with the Doha Agreement.

Echoing these sentiments, Zakiullah Mohammadi, a university lecturer, posited that external actors seek to globalize Daesh’s influence to advance their own objectives, emphasizing the role of financial backers in perpetuating terror.

Amidst mounting tensions, the United States Department of State has reiterated calls for the Islamic Emirate to uphold its commitments under the Doha Agreement, particularly in combating terrorism. As Afghanistan navigates its complex geopolitical landscape, the specter of Daesh resurgence underscores the challenges facing the region in ensuring stability and security.

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