Israel announced another hellish attack on the city of Gaza

Last Updated on April 24, 2024 3:33 am

Israel is preparing for a new hellish attack on a Palestinian city in Gaza. Residents have been asked to evacuate.

Four months ago, Israel carried out a terrible attack on this city and killed many Palestinian civilians. Mass graves are found. The Times of Israel reported this information on Tuesday about the IDF, Israel’s military.

The Israeli military is urging residents of parts of Beit Lahia in northern Gaza to move to other areas, according to a report. A new all-out operation will be started in these areas.

The IDF’s Arabic-language spokesman, Lt. Col. Avichay Adrai, released a list of areas in Beit Lahia from which residents need to be evacuated, along with the announcement.

“You are in a dangerous war zone,” the IDF announced to the residents of Beit Lahia. Israel’s military will operate against terrorist infrastructure and operations.

Israel launches ground offensive in Gaza against Hamas. Since then, residents of northern Gaza have been asked to move south. They say civilian casualties are increasing as a large part of the population is not evacuated from the war zone. But Israel never hits civilian targets. But Israel is repeatedly attacking hospitals in Gaza. Women and children are killed.

Beit Lahiya was raided by Israeli forces four months ago. When they left, 20 bodies were found in a mass grave. The bodies were covered with garbage and sand. Residents said the bodies belonged to the Al-Assaf family.

It is believed that Israeli forces set up checkpoints after infiltrating the area. The deceased were killed while crossing the checkpoint.

The occupiers are preparing for a major attack there again. There is intense fear among the residents.

Meanwhile, according to Al Jazeera, Israel’s attacks on the Gaza Strip show no sign of abating. The Israeli forces continued to bombard and land attacks day and night in the northern, central and southern regions of this small valley.

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