Netanyahu in fear of ICC arrest

Last Updated on April 29, 2024 3:05 am


Israel’s attack on Gaza does not stop. The death march is increasing every day under the orders of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli army is not paying attention to the ongoing movement around the world. On the other hand, Tel Aviv is listening to the calls of pro-Palestinian world leaders.

Killing, torture and destruction are being carried out indiscriminately in violation of international law. The blockaded area is being gradually completed, including women and children. On the other hand, the world is not able to do anything about such activities of Israel. But now it is known that the International Criminal Court (ICC) may issue an arrest warrant against the Prime Minister of Israel.

This is what the country’s local media reported on Saturday. Maariv newspaper quoted an unnamed source as saying that Netanyahu is under great pressure and fear due to the ICC’s arrest warrant. The New Arab.

This arrest notice may come against not only Netanyahu, but also some of his prominent officials. According to Israeli media reports, the country’s Defense Minister Yoav Galant and Army Chief of Staff Herzei Halevi will be included in that list. Senior government officials held an emergency meeting in Tel Aviv this week to discuss that possibility. In the meantime, Netanyahu has spoken on the phone with international friends, especially US President Joe Biden, to prevent the arrest warrant. It is not clear when an arrest warrant may be issued, and it is not standard for courts to disclose such information. But fears of an arrest warrant against Netanyahu were first aired on Thursday by British-pro-Israel commentator Douglas Murray in an opinion piece in the US tabloid New York Post.

A warrant could be issued within days, Murray wrote. Netanyahu will not immediately face trial. But it will be a major blow to the prime minister on the world stage and put pressure on Israel’s allies and ICC members to act. Before that, in an interview on Friday, Netanyahu wrote, “Israel’s natural and self-defense rights are undermined, this country will not accept any such efforts of the ICC under my leadership.” Threats to seize military officers of the Middle East’s only democracy and the world’s only Jewish state are outrageous.

We will never bow to it.’ Senior Israeli officials are said to be concerned about what such a warrant would mean for military operations against Hamas in Gaza. Israel’s Channel 13 broadcaster quoted officials as saying they believed the tribunal would target policymakers rather than junior soldiers.

It should be noted that since October 7, Israel has repeatedly attacked Gaza in violation of international law. The International Court of Justice has accused Israel of genocide. 2.3 million people were starving and medical facilities were also destroyed. Earlier in January this year, an interim ruling ordered Tel Aviv to stop the genocidal actions and take measures to guarantee humanitarian aid to Gaza’s civilians.

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