That’s why Bahrain is eager to restore relations with Iran

Last Updated on June 9, 2024 10:37 am

Neighboring Bahrain wants to re-establish diplomatic relations with Iran, one of the most influential countries in the Middle East. For this they have sent a request through Russia.

Al-Jazeera reported this news on Friday (June 7) in Iran’s media. It has started a new diplomatic activity in the Middle East. The question is why Bahrain is moving here suddenly?

Bahraini officials are eager to restore relations with Iran after years of tension, the report said. They are trying through Russia.

Iran’s Press TV reports that Bahrain has sent a message to Iran through Russia. They don’t want excitement anymore. Hoping for friendly relations between the two countries.

Iran’s Press TV quoted Jamshidi as saying that Bahrain has sent a message to Iran through Russia to normalize relations with Iran.

Manama cut diplomatic ties with Tehran in 2016 amid tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Last year, Saudi Arabia normalized its relations with Iran through the mediation of China.

But Bahrain, backed by Saudi Arabia, could not normalize everything. They slowly moved on this path. Recently, Bahrain has been more active in this regard.

It is known that Bahrain’s King Hamad Al Khalifa met Russian President Vladimir Putin on a recent visit to Moscow. There, he said, the problem that Bahrain had with Iran in the past has been eliminated. Therefore, he does not want to delay in returning to normal relations with Iran.

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