Slovenia parliament passes bill recognizing Palestinian state

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 8:04 am

A bill (decree) has been passed in the Parliament of the European country of Slovenia to recognize Palestine as a state. The bill was passed on Tuesday local time.

51 out of 90 members of Slovenia’s parliament voted in favor of the government-backed bill. Before this, the bill was debated in the parliament for six hours.

At this time, the parliamentarians of the country’s opposition parties boycotted the voting. One of them was present during the voting. But did not vote.

The opposition demanded a referendum on the recognition of Palestine. However, the 52 MPs who voted in favor of the bill rejected the proposal.

Last week, three European countries Spain, Norway and Ireland recognized Palestine as a state, and the Slovenian government took the same initiative. Following this, the bill has been passed in the country’s parliament.

Following the vote, Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golub made a post on social media X (formerly Twitter). In it, he wrote, today this initiative to recognize Palestine as an independent and sovereign state will send a message of hope to the Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza.

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