UN official under threat for reporting on Israeli genocide

Last Updated on March 29, 2024 3:23 am

There are compelling reasons to believe that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. He said that various threats are being made to UN Special Envoy Francesca Albanese after the publication of such reports.

Last Tuesday, Francesca Albanese published a report titled “Anatomy of a Genocide” at the United Nations Human Rights Council. The report basically exposed the nature of Israeli forces’ aggression in Gaza. However, Israel has “absolutely rejected” this report.

Albanese was asked whether he had received any kind of threat because of his work on the report.

In response, Francesca Albanese said, ‘Yes, I have received threats. So far I have not felt the need to take extra precautions. But if you talk about pressure, it will not change my commitment or the results of my work.’

Francesca Albanese has been working as a Special Envoy of the United Nations Human Rights Council since 2022. He has worked on various issues, but never made such a threat. He did not disclose any information about the threats he received due to the publication of this report.

Francesca Albanese did not even say anything about who threatened her. But he said, ‘This is a very difficult time for me. Since the beginning of this work, I have been attacked with various threats.

The report on the massacre comes as international pressure mounts on Israel to end the war in Gaza and provide more protection for civilians.

Genocide is a specific legal term. According to Albanese’s report, some of its features are fulfilled. That is, there is reason to believe that the genocidal activity in Gaza has reached the level of determination of ‘genocide’.

According to the BBC, expert Albanese said in his report entitled “Anatomy of a Genocide” that Israel acted with the intention of destroying the Palestinians as a whole group or in part. which is a key feature of the Genocide Convention.

Albanese, in particular, cited Israel’s violation of three articles of the UN Genocide Convention.

1. Killing group members

2. Causing serious harm to group members, physically and emotionally

3. Deliberate attack on the way of life of the group calculated to destroy it in whole or in part.

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