US-China relations stand in the way of Taiwan

Last Updated on April 4, 2024 3:58 am

The first hurdle in US-China relations is Taiwan. This is what Chinese President Xi Jinping has indicated. He said this in a nearly two-hour telephone conversation with President Joe Biden on Tuesday. According to Xi, the ‘Taiwan issue is the first unexpected red line in Sino-US relations.’However, in this regard, Biden ‘stressed the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and the rule of law and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea,’ according to a report by state media Xinhua. . The Guardian.

After the summit in November last year, Xi and Biden spoke directly again. Apart from Taiwan, the two leaders discussed several issues including artificial intelligence, security. State broadcaster CCTV said, “The two heads of state had frank and in-depth exchanges on Sino-US relations and issues of mutual concern.” Meanwhile, Chinese military aircraft circled Taiwan. The island nation said on Wednesday that 30 Chinese military aircraft were seen circling Taiwan between 6 a.m. Tuesday and 6 a.m. Wednesday local time. Of these, 20 Chinese military aircraft entered the island’s so-called Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said. This is the second highest single-day presence of Chinese military aircraft in Taiwan’s skies this year.

China has always considered Taiwan part of its mainland. Chinese military aircraft frequently enter Taiwan’s airspace. Although they never directly participated in any military operation. But China is deploying warplanes and ships around Taiwan almost every day. Recently there has been an increase in hot air ballooning over the island. But it has caused a great deal of discomfort for Taiwan.

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