What Israel said in response to Hamas’s agreement to a ceasefire

Last Updated on May 7, 2024 2:52 am

Hamas has agreed to a cease-fire in Gaza. Israel responded after the group agreed.

They said that they will not accept such a light proposal from Hamas. Aljazeera reported this information on Monday night.

Reuters, citing an unnamed Israeli official, said they would not accept the ceasefire proposal approved by Hamas. The Israeli official also referred to the Hamas proposal as a mild proposal.

He said the Egyptian-brokered ceasefire proposal agreed to by Hamas was far-reaching. Israel will not support such a proposal.

Various Israeli media reported the same information. They said the Israeli government did not accept Hamas’ agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza.

Meanwhile, on Monday, Hamas leader Khalil Al-Haya said that US President Joe Biden has personally promised to ensure the implementation of the cease-fire agreement in Gaza, according to the mediators. The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is being brokered mainly by Qatar and Egypt.

According to a statement of Hamas on Monday, Ismail Haniyeh, the head of its political wing, told Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani by phone about the approval of the ceasefire agreement proposal. He said the same thing to the Egyptian Minister of Intelligence, Abbas Kamel.

A cease-fire agreement in Gaza is at the top of the Biden administration’s priority list, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said. On Monday, he said, Bill Barnes, head of the United States Central Intelligence Agency-CIA, is currently working on the cease-fire agreement. Everyone from the top levels of the Biden administration is now pushing for a cease-fire agreement.

Incidentally, on October 7, Hamas entered southern Israel and carried out an unprecedented attack, killing 1,200 Israelis and detaining about 250 Israelis and foreign citizens in Gaza. On the same day, Israel declared war on the Palestinian independence movement to eliminate Hamas and secure the release of its prisoners. Hamas released 110 Israeli prisoners in exchange for a seven-day ceasefire agreement last November, but they still hold more than a hundred prisoners.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Health of Gaza said that since October 7, the number of people killed in the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip has exceeded 34 thousand. Most of them are women and children. Apart from this, more than 77 thousand people have been injured so far.

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