Dhaka Reiterates Commitment to Diplomats’ Security in Accordance with Vienna Convention, Says Foreign Minister Momen

Last Updated on November 19, 2023 12:33 pm

Dhaka: In a press briefing held at the foreign ministry office today, Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen reassured the international community of Bangladesh’s unwavering commitment to upholding the security of all foreign diplomats stationed in the country, strictly adhering to the principles outlined in the Vienna Convention.

“We are committed, we guarantee the safety and security of all the diplomats (stationed here) … we follow the Vienna Convention word by word,” emphasized Dr Momen, responding to concerns raised by the US embassy regarding the security of its employees in Bangladesh.

The foreign minister urged diplomats from friendly nations to adhere to the Vienna Convention while carrying out their duties, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and adherence to international norms.

Addressing the recent verbal attacks against the US ambassador, Peter Haas, Dr Momen stated that while Bangladesh values freedom of speech and the media, any outrageous acts would be met with appropriate government action.

Earlier today, Dr Momen held a meeting with a cross-party delegation from the Scottish Parliament. Discussions during the meeting encompassed topics such as climate change, the Rohingya crisis, investment potential in Bangladesh, and labor rights.

“We had a good discussion… they are our good friends,”* remarked the foreign minister.

Touching on Bangladesh’s democratic processes, Dr Momen informed the delegation that the Awami League government, led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, has implemented institutional measures to ensure free and fair elections. He emphasized the government’s belief in democracy and the electoral process as the means to change the government.

However, the foreign minister expressed concern over certain political parties, not rooted in democratic processes, attempting to undermine democracy in Bangladesh. He asserted that the government would not tolerate any efforts to disrupt the election or damage public property.

As Bangladesh continues to navigate its diplomatic relationships and uphold international standards, the commitment to ensuring the safety and security of foreign diplomats remains a top priority for the government.

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